
The Gospel Side of Elvis by Joe Moscheo
The Gospel Side of Elvis by Joe Moscheo

Jack Soden and my good buddy Gary Hovey have been so gracious to me and have always extended the sort of kind consideration that made me feel like an "insider." Todd Morgan, thanks for listening, for your help, and for your interest in this subject. I've also enjoyed a long friendship with Colonel and Mrs. I really haven't been around Lisa Marie in a long time, but I've watched her grow, and see so much of her dad in her she is so talented and giving. Thank you for our friendship all these years. I've enjoyed a close relationship with Priscilla, and consider her a great friend and a beautiful lady-someone I admire very much. Even though your names may not appear here, your support and passion have been felt throughout this process. I am deeply grateful for all the thoughts and prayers.

The Gospel Side of Elvis by Joe Moscheo The Gospel Side of Elvis by Joe Moscheo

It will be impossible for me to thank everyone for the parts they've played in making this book possible, all the musicians and singers through the years, and all the caring and sensitive individuals who knew this was an important "side" to talk about, that this message needed to be heard.

The Gospel Side of Elvis by Joe Moscheo