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“A paranormal adventure series that will appeal to fantasy and historical fans, plus time-travel lovers as well. “Enchantments, amusement, and eight hunks and one bewitching woman make for a fun romantic fantasy. “ has everything-love, humor, danger, excitement, trickery, hope, and even sizzling-hot. Jean Johnson can’t write them fast enough for me!” eagerly look forward to each of the other brothers’ stories. “A must-read for those who enjoy fantasy and romance. “Cursed brothers, fated mates, prophecies, yum! A fresh new voice in fantasy romance, Jean Johnson spins an intriguing tale of destiny and magic.” Jayne Ann Krentz, New York Times bestselling author Terrific-fast, sexy, charming, and utterly engaging. “Jean Johnson’s writing is fabulously fresh, thoroughly romantic, and wildly entertaining. PRAISE FOR JEAN JOHNSON AND THE SONS OF DESTINY NOVELS “If you simply want a book where a female character sinks and swims based on her own insights and courage as well as precognitive powers all the while knowing that the fate of a galaxy will be determined by her actions, this is the book for you.” Fans of military science fiction will definitely want to check out this surprising and exciting novel.” “Full of suspense, danger, and intrigue, this new series shows a lot of promise. Successfully balances its military and science fiction elements.” “Reminiscent of both Starship Troopers and Dune. “Fast-paced with terrific battle scenes and deep characterizations.” “This exciting addition to a fantastic space opera series continues to provide a mesmerizing multilayered read.” “With all the setup over, we now move into the opening skirmishes of the new Salik War, and Ia returns with full force at the helm of a story that is both highly entertaining and extremely involving in equal measure.”